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Workflow for Transparent and Robust Virus Variant Calling, Genome Reconstruction and Lineage Assignment

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Workflow Overview

UnCoVar workflow


  • Using state of the art tools, easily extended for other viruses

  • Tool and database updates for critical components via Conda

  • Built using modern design patterns with Conda and Snakemake

  • Extensible and easy to customize

  • Submission Ready Genomes

  • Customizable reporting with comprehensive visualization

UnCoVar visuals

Four different example elements of the results generated by UnCoVar:

  • a: The genome coverage of the aligned reads, visualized for multiple samples

  • b: evaluation of known protein alterations from VOCs for one sample

  • c: a pileup of reads at the position of one protein alteration. The mutations observed for multiple reads (grey bars) for a single sample, here in the S gene

  • d: The lineage assignments inferred for single reads for one sample