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This document gives an overview of Slurm to get you started. To learn more, also see the official manual.


The entry point to the Slurm cluster is a set of submission nodes under the name shellhost. Submission nodes must be used exclusively to log in and submit jobs (inline commands or scripts) to worker nodes.

To connect to a submission node:

ssh shellhost

Worker nodes are divided in groups called partitions in Slurm terminology. The default partition is made up of general-purpose CPU nodes.

Client tools

This is a brief overview of the main commands available on the submission nodes. They can also be invoked from worker nodes as part of a submitted job.


Use sinfo to display a summary of the worker nodes.


Use squeue to display a list of scheduled jobs. It's generally useful to execute

squeue -l

to display additional information such as the time limit.


Use srun to submit a job interactively. The output is displayed on the terminal.

Example: obtaining a shell on a node

The following example opens a shell on a worker node. The node is selected automatically by Slurm.

# A deadline is specified to avoid leaving a hanging session if the user doesn't terminate it.
srun --time=01:00:00 --pty bash -i

It's also possible to connect to worker nodes directly via ssh. See Example: connect to a worker node.

Example: requesting resources

A simple srun command is executed by default on a single worker node, using a single CPU core. Several options are available for configuring the allocated resources. In the following example, Slurm allocates 32 CPU cores by picking a worker node with enough free cores.

srun --cpus-per-task=32 python3

Example: environment inheritance

When Slurm executes a job, it inherits the caller's environment and current directory. Slurm also sets several environment variables such as SLURM_JOB_ID and SLURM_JOB_NAME. The same applies to the other submission commands sbatch and salloc.

To illustrate, let's create a script called and execute it via srun.

$ pwd

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env sh
echo "my job ran on $(date)"
echo "working directory: $(pwd)"
echo "FOO=$FOO"  # this variable is not defined in the script
echo "job id: $SLURM_JOB_ID"  # this variable is defined by Slurm
echo $(hostname)

# Define an environment variable and execute the job.
$ FOO=bar srun sh
my job ran on Thu May  4 15:25:10 UTC 2023
working directory: /homes/alice/workdir
job id: 340273


Use sbatch to submit a script. The output is written to a file in the current directory. All srun options apply to sbatch as well and can be included in the script itself with the special comment syntax #SBATCH.

sbatch allocates the requested resources, then executes the script on the first of the allocated nodes. To use the allocated resources effectively, srun must be invoked within the script, otherwise only one node is used.

Example: submitting a job with sbatch

Let's create a script called with a couple of srun calls and execute it via sbatch. Slurm redirects standard output to the text file slurm-[job_id].out.

# Create a script which allocates 3 nodes and submits two job steps using srun.
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env sh
#SBATCH --nodes 3
#SBATCH --time 01:00:00
srun hostname
srun echo hello

# Execute the script.
$ sbatch ./
Submitted batch job 340264

# Display the output. The jobs steps were executed simultaneously on all 3 nodes.
$ cat slurm-340264.out

The following example shows the effect of an equivalent script without srun.

# Create a script which allocates 3 nodes, then executes two commands without srun.
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env sh
#SBATCH --nodes 3
#SBATCH --time 01:00:00
echo hello

# Execute the script.
$ sbatch ./
Submitted batch job 340266

# Display the output. The commands were simply executed on the first assigned node.
$ cat slurm-340266.out

Example: connect to a worker node

Users can connect via ssh to worker nodes on which they have at least one running job. This is typically useful for launching monitoring (htop, nvidia-smi, etc.) or debugging tools.

After launching a job, the allocated node can be quickly discovered by passing -u username to squeue. For example:

$ squeue -u alice
 1234      IKIM   job1   alice  R   10:30      1 c11
 1245      IKIM   job2   alice  R    3:05      1 c23

To connect to one of the listed nodes, open a new shell on the local workstation (not on the submission node) and execute:

ssh c11

The ssh session is incorporated into one of the running jobs on the target node: when the job terminates, the ssh session terminates as well.

This feature is meant for monitoring and debugging. Do not use it for work that could be submitted via slurm instead.

Interactive shells can also be launched on any worker node using srun, regardless of running jobs. See Example: obtaining a shell on a node. The srun method allocates one CPU core on the target node, therefore it doesn't work if the node is already fully allocated.

Example: create a pipeline of jobs

The --dependency option allows creating a tree of interdependent jobs such that downstream jobs start only after upstream jobs terminate with a certain outcome.

# This example submits a job, then two parallel downstream jobs which depend on
# on successful completion of the upstream job:
#      Job 10
#     /      \
# Job 11    Job 12
# Submit the upstream job.
$ sbatch
Submitted batch job 10

# Submit a downstream job configured to wait in the queue until job 10
# terminates successfully.
$ sbatch --dependency afterok:10
Submitted batch job 11

# Submit another downstream job.
$ sbatch --dependency afterok:10
Submitted batch job 12

# Check the queue.
$ squeue
       12      IKIM   alice PD    0:00      1 (Dependency)
       11      IKIM   alice PD    0:00      1 (Dependency)
       10      IKIM   alice  R    0:15      1 c20

From a resource allocation standpoint, the individual jobs are separate: they can request different resources and might be scheduled on different nodes unless specified otherwise.

For the full dependency syntax, see the --dependency section in the official manual.


salloc allocates resources that can be used by subsequent invocations of srun or sbatch. By default, after allocating the resources salloc opens a shell on the current node: any srun or sbatch commands issued in this shell will use the allocated resources. When the user terminates the shell, the allocation is relinquished.

The following example requests allocates a certain number of nodes for a limited amount of time. Note that the assigned nodes are not allocated exclusively unless specified, for example by requesting all available CPU cores.

$ salloc --nodes=3 --time=01:00:00
salloc: Granted job allocation 340227

$ srun hostname

$ exit
salloc: Relinquishing job allocation 340227
salloc: Job allocation 340227 has been revoked.

If a command is supplied to salloc, it is executed instead of opening a shell. The command runs on the current node, therefore it should include srun or sbatch.

To request only an allocation without executing a specific command right away, execute salloc with --no-shell. As soon as the allocation is granted, a job ID is displayed in the output. The allocation can then be used by invoking srun or sbatch and passing the job ID to the --jobid option. The allocation stays active until either the --time runs out or it gets terminated via scancel.

Example: allocate resources for future use

The following example allocates 3 GPUs on the same node for 8 hours. At any point within this time frame, jobs can be executed on the allocation.

$ salloc --no-shell --time=08:00:00 --partition GPUampere --nodes=1 --gpus 3
salloc: Granted job allocation 486835

# A shell or any other job can now be submitted on allocation 486835.
# This can be done as many times as desired until the session is canceled or times out.
$ srun --jobid=486835 --pty bash -i

This approach is helpful for executing jobs in bursts over a period of time without losing the claim on certain resources. For instance, a user planning a bug-fixing session (short runs interspersed with code changes) on a GPU-equipped node can allocate a GPU for a few hours instead of submitting each job to the queue individually.

See Targeting GPU nodes to learn more about requesting GPUs.


Use scontrol to display detailed information about a job such as the allocated resources and the times of submission/start.

scontrol show jobid -dd [job_id]


Use scancel [job_id] to cancel or terminate a job. Use squeue to display job IDs.

Targeting GPU nodes

GPU nodes are available in a non-default partition named after the corresponding NVIDIA GPU architecture. The --partition option must be specified to target them.

When executing GPU workloads, the --gpus N option should always be specified to let slurm assign N GPUS automatically. More specifically, Slurm automatically selects a suitable worker node, picks the specified number of GPUs randomly among the unassigned ones and sets the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES accordingly.

# In this example, Slurm exposes 2 GPUs from a node in the GPUampere partition via CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.
# The script must not override CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES!
# The number of requested CPU cores should be proportional to the number of GPUs.
# A deadline of 1 day and 12 hours is specified to let other users know when the GPUs will be available again.
srun --partition GPUampere --gpus 2 --cpus-per-gpu=4 --time=1-12

The end-user script can then refer to specific devices by using library-specific mechanisms. For example, after passing --gpus N to Slurm, Pytorch maps the assigned CUDA devices to indices 0 through N-1: cuda:0, cuda:1, etc. Since CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is managed by Slurm, end-user scripts must not modify it.

If the option --gpus is omitted, slurm does not set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES variable. This does not mean that GPUs are hidden: the job will have access to all GPUs on the node, even the ones assigned to slurm jobs from other users.

Job submission etiquette

Setting a deadline

If a job is expected to run continuously for many hours, a deadline should be specified with the option --time, even if just an overestimation. This information is especially valuable when all worker nodes are occupied as it allows other users to predict when their job will be scheduled. Accepted time formats include minutes, minutes:seconds, hours:minutes:seconds, days-hours, days-hours:minutes and days-hours:minutes:seconds.

It's good practice to always specify a deadline when opening a shell (srun --pty bash). This avoids the "hanging session" issue that occurs if the user forgets to log out or loses the connection abruptly.

Balance between CPU cores and GPUs

When requesting GPUs with --gpus, attention should be paid to the ratio of CPU cores to GPUs by passing an appropriate value to --cpus-per-gpu. For example, if a node has 6 GPUs and 48 CPU cores in total, it's advisable to request no more than --cpus-per-gpu=8.

The amount of CPU cores and GPUs on a node can be determined with scontrol show node.

Breaking up jobs at checkpoints

A large workflow that runs for multiple days occupying several CPU cores or GPUs typically has a checkpoint system that saves its state at regular intervals. Instead of implementing such a workflow as a single job, it can be broken up into a sequence of jobs that end by saving a checkpoint and start by loading the previous checkpoint. This increases the fairness of the queue by allowing other jobs to be scheduled in between. See the pipeline example for details.

Cheat Sheet

What Command
Connect to submission nodes. Only use for submission. ssh shellhost
Show workers sinfo
Show schedule squeue -l
My jobs squeue -u $(whoami)
Submit interactive job srun --time=01:00:00 --cpus-per-task=1 --pty bash -i
Submit batch job sbatch
Submit batch job w/o shell script sbatch --wrap="python -m ..."
Target GPU nodes sbatch --partition=GPUampere,GPUhopper --gpus=1 --cpus-per-gpu=4 --time=01:00:00
Allocate resources for later salloc [ARGS] --time=01:00:00
Show job info scontrol show jobid -dd [JOB_ID]
Show assigned GPUs scontrol show jobid -dd [JOB_ID] \| grep IDX
Cancel job scancel [JOB_ID]